Set your preferences with Autopilot and build a diversified portfolio by investing in qualified deals.
Set up AutopilotSet your investment preferences and Autopilot will find deals that match. All you have to do is confirm—Autopilot does the rest.
Only investment opportunities that have raised at least $150k with at least 100 investors qualify for Autopilot. All offerings on Republic are highly-screened. View sample portfolio.
Adjust investment amounts, add or remove deals from monthly batches, and customize your preferences at any time.
Autopilot is free for investors. No additional costs or administrative fees are charged for investments made using Autopilot.
Autopilot lets you invest in any deal for as little as $50, no matter what the minimum on the deal page says—so it's easier than ever to diversify.
Tell Autopilot what kinds of deals you want to see. Filter by sector, business model, VC backing, and more. Only get deals that match.
A few deals that qualified for Autopilot in the past:
Using machine learning to eliminate energy waste
Optimal nutrition made simple
Breakthrough technologies for central nervous…
Customer engagement and retention platform with 2600+ clients
Neobank with real-time budgeting and cash back rewards
100% organic, plant-based & dairy-free whole coconut smoothies
When you register for Autopilot you’ll be asked the total amount of money you are willing to invest on a monthly basis, and how much you want to invest per startup. You will also be asked to fine-tune your investment preferences which includes selecting sectors, business models, highlights, impact and tech.
After enabling autopilot, you will receive a monthly email with batches of opportunities that meet your preferences. The email will prompt you to opt in to invest by a click of a button. Your consent is required before any investment commitment will be made. This gives you a little less automation, and much more control.
You can get started by enrolling in Autopilot and invest as little as $50. If you have questions, please email us at
It’s free for investors. There are no hidden fees or future costs.
You can do so by going to the offering’s investment page in your portfolio and changing your total investment amount. Remember, you can only do this before the deadline. Once the deadline passes you cannot increase your investment amount, and during the last 48 hours before the deadline, you may not decrease your investment amount. If a rolling close occurs, you will not be able to decrease or cancel your investment commitment. You can read more about rolling closes here.
You can change your autopilot preferences at any time by going to your Autopilot settings.
You may change your payment method at any time by going to your Autopilot settings.
Autopilot helps you passively build a diversified portfolio of vetted investment opportunities. Actively selecting each investment opportunity can be exciting and rewarding, however, it can also be time intensive. Autopilot allows you to allocate capital on a more steady schedule and ensures you don’t miss something of interest. Through opt-in messaging, we require your consent so that you only invest in the opportunities that are a fit for your preferences.
You will receive an email with opportunities that match your investment preferences. Investment commitments will only be made after you opt in and provide consent. After providing consent, you can cancel any investment commitment through Autopilot up until 48 hours before the close of each campaign.
You will only be charged after one or more opportunities meet your Autopilot preferences, and you opt in and provide consent. Providing consent is simple and is completed through the click of a button.
Yes, you can disable Autopilot at any time.
All offerings through Autopilot are raising capital via Regulation Crowdfunding and will have (i) $150,000+ raised, (ii) 100 or more investors, (iii) have reached at least 2x their minimum campaign goal, and (iv) a Crowd SAFE as their security instrument. We will notify you at least one week in advance if these terms are changed for any reason. We reserve the right to change these criteria at any time.
In addition to the above criteria, offerings will be presented if they meet your preferences in a monthly email or found on your Autopilot dashboard. The email will prompt you to opt in to invest. Your consent is required before any investment commitment will be made.
See Autopilot Terms and conditions at
Republic Core LLC (“Core”) provides technology and support services to OpenDeal Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, the “Republic Ecosystem”). Republic Note holders and as well as users of the site and services maintained by the Republic Ecosystem, regardless of and their activities on or relating to the Republic Ecosystem, are subject to the applicable terms of service, in their entirety. Republic Core receives revenues from certain clients which are distributable to Republic Note holders at pre-disclosed trigger events.
* Figures used in the chart are presented to the best of the Republic Core's knowledge and in certain circumstances are rounded or estimates. Please refer to offering memorandum to view the finalized amounts and all relevant disclosures, disclaimers and any updates related to such figures.
This site (the "Site") is owned and maintained by OpenDeal Inc., which is not a registered broker-dealer. OpenDeal Inc. does not give investment advice, endorsement, analysis or recommendations with respect to any securities. All securities listed here are being offered by, and all information included on this Site is the responsibility of, the applicable issuer of such securities. The intermediary facilitating the offering will be identified in such offering’s documentation.
All funding-portal activities are conducted by OpenDeal Portal LLC doing business as Republic, a funding portal which is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a funding portal (Portal) and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). OpenDeal Portal LLC is located at 149 E 23rd St #1314, New York, NY 10010, please check out background on FINRA’s Funding Portal page.
All broker-dealer related securities activity is conducted by OpenDeal Broker LLC, an affiliate of OpenDeal Inc. and OpenDeal Portal LLC, and a registered broker-dealer, and member of FINRA | SiPC, located at 149 E 23rd St #1314, New York, NY 10010, please check our background on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.
Certain pages discussing the mechanics and providing educational materials regarding regulation crowdfunding offerings may refer to OpenDeal Broker LLC and OpenDeal Portal LLC collectively as “Republic”, solely for explanatory purposes.
Neither OpenDeal Inc., OpenDeal Portal LLC nor OpenDeal Broker LLC make investment recommendations and no communication, through this Site or in any other medium should be construed as a recommendation for any security offered on or off this investment platform. Investment opportunities posted on this Site are private placements of securities that are not publicly traded, involve a high degree of risk, may lose value, are subject to holding period requirements and are intended for investors who do not need a liquid investment. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors must be able to afford the loss of their entire investment. Only qualified investors, which may be restricted to only Accredited Investors or non-U.S. persons, may invest in offerings hosted by OpenDeal Broker.
Neither OpenDeal Inc., OpenDeal Portal LLC nor OpenDeal Broker LLC, nor any of their officers, directors, agents and employees makes any warranty, express or implied, of any kind whatsoever related to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information on this Site or the use of information on this site. Offers to sell securities can only be made through official offering documents that contain important information about the investment and the issuers, including risks. Investors should carefully read the offering documents. Investors should conduct their own due diligence and are encouraged to consult with their tax, legal and financial advisors.
By accessing the Site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please also see OpenDeal Broker’s Business Continuity Plan and Additional Risk Disclosures. All issuers offering securities under regulation crowdfunding as hosted by OpenDeal Portal LLC are listed on the All Companies Page. The inclusion or exclusion of an issuer on the Platform Page and/or Republic’s Homepage, which includes offerings conducted under regulation crowdfunding as well as other exemptions from registration, is not based upon any endorsement or recommendation by OpenDeal Inc, OpenDeal Portal LLC, or OpenDeal Broker LLC, nor any of their affiliates, officers, directors, agents, and employees. Rather, issuers of securities may, in their sole discretion, opt-out of being listed on the Platform Page and Homepage.
Investors should verify any issuer information they consider important before making an investment.
Investments in private companies are particularly risky and may result in total loss of invested capital. Past performance of a security or a company does not guarantee future results or returns. Only investors who understand the risks of early stage investment and who meet the Republic's investment criteria may invest.
Neither OpenDeal Inc., OpenDeal Portal LLC nor OpenDeal Broker LLC verify information provided by companies on this Site and makes no assurance as to the completeness or accuracy of any such information. Additional information about companies fundraising on the Site can be found by searching the EDGAR database, or the offering documentation located on the Site when the offering does not require an EDGAR filing.
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