"Youngry is about celebrating the entrepreneur spirit, the life style, the journey that comes within." Are you an entrepr...
Youngry™ is an entrepreneur media company who will be the ESPN for entrepreneurship. Our mission is to unite the entrepreneurship ecosystem with a democratized platform for entrepreneurship news, original video programming, and e-commerce products to help an entrepreneur become successful. The company was founded by a two time White House award winning entrepreneur, and a globally recognized entrepreneur, whose created some of the largest movements in social media today.
But most importantly – we have been in your shoes, we understand the entrepreneur hustle and even the lonely time(s). Youngry™ will be the entrepreneur movement you have always yearned for, a place for like-minded individuals with aims to empower their world can gather.
You can learn more about our founders background here: http://ashkumra.com and here: http://ankurkgarg.com. Our advisor board includes Jesse Draper, Ryan Blair, CNBC Hustles Investor Kumar Arora, Ad.pl.e from the Black Eyed Peas and more.
We did this to get our core ecosystem (entrepreneurs, investors, mentors) involved and be an early supporter in us from day one. We will use the campaign funds to help launch our content platform Youngry.com official later Fall 2016. Due to this campaign we already have a national entrepreneur list of 50,000 plus, have had numerous press/media opportunities and have entrepreneur community relationships with over 40 major hubs!
E-commerce Side:
Live Video Feed With Premium Advertising:
A 24/7 online video stream (both live video and video on demand) of global entrepreneurship efforts (fireside chats, panels, pitch contests, keynote speeches, important conferences) and Youngry™ live events! We will utilize ad networks and sponsored content opportunities.
Entrepreneurship means more small businesses and competition amongst the field. This competition drives innovation, fair prices, and wages. For the past several decades though, entrepreneurship had been on the decline and the strive to build a legacy for oneself had fallen to the wayside. Fortunately the likes of Mark Zuckerburg and Elon Musk realizing their dream and vision have inspired a new generation of entrepreneurs to believe in their creations that will change the world. We are once again unafraid to dream.
And no one knows more about capturing the American Dream than Ankur K Garg. Immigrating to the States at an early age, Garg has thrived building empires for others. His latest success, Shredz, saw the company prosper from packaging supplements in-home to becoming the mogul fitness empire that they are today. He helped introduce the legitimacy of social media to business, by seeing a newly formed company reach grow from $90,000 to $5 million in just one year. Now, he’s turning his sights to realizing his own vision by supporting the launch of Youngry™.
His co-founder, Ash Kumra, is an award winning entrepreneur, author, public speaker and talk show host recognized twice by the White House as an entrepreneur making an impact. He is also an authority on entrepreneurship, social media & branding by authoring the book series "Confessions from an Entrepreneur", spoken to over 10,000 people and has been cited in 100's of articles including Forbes Magazine, Huffington Post, American Express Forum, Entrepreneur Magazine, Startup America/Up Global, LA Times, OC Register, Tedx & The White House. Ash has also hosted over 100 interview with business mavens, authors, entrepreneurs and celebrities who have achieved their dreams and goals.
We have opened the ground floor to people passionate about entrepreneurship to own a piece of our democratized media platform and have their voice heard in shaping the stories that we'll be covering!
Youngry™ is for the global entrepreneur community (both our young/hungry minded audience and the mentors that help make them a success). We are seeking $50,000 to turn our vision into reality.
Use Of Fund Highlights
$50k goal
Editorial Content Site: We will feature mentors, contributors to provide guidance.
We will also launch our e-commerce storefront in full force so we can monetize from day one.
$500k goal and beyond
Youngry™ will begin to adapt the ESPN/Live Stream and VOD Entrepreneur Video Library portion. This will be a 24/7 and live stream and video on demand feed. Part of the capital will be going into developing and marketing this concept. Not only will there be a constant news cycle of events going around the world, but entrepreneurs will be able to go through the vast library of contributors and other great minds to learn.
We will also begin creating original content. These will be full in-depth articles, videos, and native advertisements. Initially we will be doing this for just sponsored posts but will be expanding its selection.
Letter from the Co-Founder
The most exciting thing about being a part of this venture is that I get to partner with you. With Title III, we will be participating in building a voice that is no longer controlled by the few with vested interests in pushing and promoting their own agendas. Now each of us, the hard working - never sleeping - entrepreneurs (please tell me I'm not the only one out there) will be able to let a media platform know what you want to see covered.
I am passionate about Youngry because I see its potential to transform how we share memories. My generation is entering into a time of our lives where we’re creating memorable life experiences every day. My whole dream was to provide a product that inspires the experience, captures the moment, and enables people to share them in personal way.
Ankur K Garg
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for Youngry occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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Youngry must achieve its minimum goal of $50K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $500K.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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Youngry gives entrepreneurs the access to resources they may not find on their own. It is a great way to support not just one company but the entire startup ecosystem.
I invested because I know many people who want to do more to put their mark on this world but are afraid to because they know of no one around them who have done so successfully. I am one of them. This is a tool I will love to use one day.
As a career entrepreneur, I'm excited to support a community focused on entrepreneurial pursuits. Youngry is well positioned to target this enthusiastic audience vertical and garner an incredibly loyal following. Now it's time to execute!
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