Where can I buy AVAX?
There are several ways investors can purchase AVAX. If you are not familiar with purchasing AVAX or other cryptocurrencies, you’ll first need to convert fiat currency (e.g. USD) into AVAX. One simple way to buy AVAX is via the INX platform or on exchanges like Coinbase.
For INX, US investors can deposit funds and convert those funds into AVAX via ACH, credit or debit cards, wire transfers, and cryptocurrencies. Non-US investors can deposit with wire transfers and cryptocurrencies and convert to AVAX on INX.
Please note that there may be delays or holding periods associated with either your deposit purchase or your ability to withdraw AVAX to your Republic Wallet if you use fiat currency such as USD. If you need to send AVAX to your Republic Wallet as quickly as possible, converting a different cryptocurrency into AVAX on INX will be the fastest way.
For more information on depositing funds to INX, you can review their materials on the subject here. Coinbase has an article here that you can review as well.
For a list of exchanges that are compatible with AVAX, see their article here.