I find this English proverb to be highly relevant for Silicon Valley. Known for being a "tech bubble" filled with startup...
Hiring managers post jobs for free on HireClub.
Members can refer and vouch for their friends by tagging them.
Within 15 minutes of a job being posted on HireClub interviews are being setup.
Often people get hired within days or weeks compared to months on other sites.
Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google, Lyft, Square, LinkedIn and more have all posted jobs on HireClub.
2000+ companies are hiring on HireClub.
You can directly talk to the hiring managers when they post.
The HireClub community reaches millions and enables you to reach beyond your friends, to everyone they know too. Members vet other members so quality remains high.
People use HireClub and recommend their friends because they know you don't have to search for a job alone.
The HireClub team wakes up every morning to thank you messages. It's one of our favorite parts of the day. Whether we found someone a job, got them an interview or they are just are happy to join a welcoming and helpful community, these messages give life to our mission.
$120/hr with 30% margin
Offering Career Coaching with additional services like Mock Interviews, Salary Negoitation and Portfolio reviews all HireClub candidates to be highest quality candidates in the industry.
We help our members be prepared for high bar set in hiring by offering professional, actionable empathic career coaching.
$60 - $180/hr with 30% margin
Consumer + Enterprise
With a platform of talented, actively engaged professionals, we plan to create marketplace that helps talented professionals get to work fast. Whether someone needs a designer, developer, recruiter, marketing strategist, legal expert, or an operations professional, we offer vetted professionals, as you need them, on an hourly basis.
Phase 3 HireClub Tryouts (Fall 2018)
Paid Interviews plus 15% Salary Conversion Fee on Hire (paid by company)
With your investment, we'll be able to build and grow HireClub by doing the following:
Hire full-time team
Develop on-demand work platform
Grow our community online and offline and in the US and worldwide.
If we reach our $500k stretch goal, our plan is to:
Hire additional staff for development, product management and design.
Build out college program to help students get a leg up on hiring.
Build out ambassador programs in major cities US cities for more events and networking.
Investing in HireClub represents a unique opportunity for the community to own itself. We want to democratizing hiring with the very people who have made the community so valuable in the first place.
I started HireClub as a side project over 6 years ago in 2011. I wanted to hire skilled professionals quickly and I knew many of my friends had the same need. Referrals are how business gets done.
Since then, HireClub has grown and I wake up every morning at 5am to wonderful messages how we are able to help people find their dream jobs and connect to our community.
The internet can be a scary place but on HireClub we see strangers helping each other and paying it forward. People are respectful, kind and most of all professionally engaged to help each other succeed.
As an immigrant and minority, I’ve personally seen many times how good talent can be overlooked when it looks different from what people are used to.
Everyone deserves to find their dream job. Your skills and hard work determine your value, not just who you know or where you went to school.
HireClub gives people access to jobs they might not have access to. We make hiring a conversation, not a lonely job post and we welcome everyone regardless of race, gender, orientation, religion, pedigree, education or location.
We’ve doubled in size this year alone and that’s still only with me and the team working 1 day a week on HireClub. Imagine how many more people we could help working on HireClub full time!
With your investment, our team can dedicate themselves to helping everyone find their dream job, we can build out the features and community with feedback from you. From day one, HireClub has always been about what we make it together.
With equity crowdfunding, everyday people like you and me can build companies that we believe in. Not just ones that cater to specific people, but ones that are community oriented and welcome all. Your investment helps HireClub achieve it’s purpose in helping you and your friends find jobs.
You can invest as little as $25, we always want HireClub to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income. If every single member out of 19,000 invested $25, we’d have $475,000 in a heartbeat.
Imagine a community that decides its future by investing together. Imagine a community that helps friends find work and companies find skilled talent all while paying a livable wage for those people.
Your investment in HireClub makes that dream come true. Thank you HireClub for the opportunity to serve you!
With all my heart,
Ketan Anjaria
HireClub Founder
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
Learn more
If a trigger event for HireClub occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
Learn more.
HireClub must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $1.07M.
Learn more
Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
Learn more
Hireclub is an already proven great community, connecting hiring managers and skilled people looking for jobs. I believe in the founder.
Believe in HireClub and always in support of companies/people whose mission is to make others successful and then think about profit/money making. I have seen HireClub helping so many people around find their job at the most crucial time.
I invested because I've been unemployed before and it can be daunting. Having a supportive community that you can help in and be helped is a great thing.
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