If you enjoy (good) movies, have you seen ? It's a 2015 biographical comedy-drama about the financial crisis of 2007-2009...
Mitte is the first-of-its-kind smart home water system that purifies and enhances water through a process inspired by the natural water cycle.
In 2015, our Co-Founder and CTO Faebian Bastiman explored methods of water purification and mineralization as a side project to his university career. Inspired by the natural water cycle, he replicated the process in a machine. Two years later, that idea became the beautiful Mitte you see today.
The insatiable demand for bottled water is a huge problem. The world spends over $200B on bottled water every year. These figures are ever-growing.
A million plastic bottles are bought every minute, and that number will jump another 20% by 2021.
The consequence of plastic pollution ultimately finds its way back to us through our food chain.
More than
of these bottles end up in our natural system, contributing to an environmental crisis that will soon be as serious as climate change.
The Guardian recently published an article on the widespread contamination of microplastics in our tap water. These microplastics remain in the body for years with unknown consequences.
Mitte replaces bottled water and reduces plastic waste, water waste, and carbon dioxide emissions. Users can create mineralized water, pure and enhanced with essential minerals at home.
Water can be an essential source of minerals for the human body, and many minerals have higher bioavailability in water than in food, such as calcium and magnesium. However, other water purification systems remove important minerals in water along with the contaminants, creating water that’s only pure, but not mineralized.
Mitte solves this problem by using mineral cartridges to replicate the process that occurs in nature when water flows through rocks, picking up minerals along the way. This unique process adds back all the minerals and trace elements that other water purifiers remove, giving you water that’s not just clean, but also full of essential nutrients.
Our replaceable patent-pending mineral cartridges come in three varieties, creating waters with different mineral properties. Users can personalize their water to suit their lifestyle and taste. Whether they prefer a clean balanced everyday water, a sophisticated high mineral hit, or an alkaline water for detox and fitness, there’s a Mitte to suit every need.
The Mitte machine syncs up with the mobile app to further personalize the experience, giving users additional control and insights. It also allows users to monitor cartridge usage and set up (optional) demand-driven automatic ordering of new mineral cartridges. We only send them a new cartridge when their current one is running low.
Our patent-pending (EU patent n° EP17154125) distillation chamber, termed the Peltier-driven-Distillation (PDD), purifies tap water. The PDD is based on the principle of a thermoelectric heat pump, driven by two Peltier elements.
Compared to other filtration-only systems such as pitcher filters, Mitte purifies water of all contaminants, such as harmful hormones, nitrates, fluorides, and microplastics. The result is perfect, pure water as the basis for remineralization.
The mineral cartridges then add back the essential minerals and trace elements that are good for your body, giving you water that's not just clean, but also enhanced with minerals.
With Mitte in their kitchens, our users have their own bottling facility for mineralized water at the push of a button.
Each cartridge produces 250 liters of water. Our goal is to bring Mitte water to market between the price range of $0.10 to $0.20 per liter. We aim to offer a premium and sustainable product at a highly competitive price.
Our business model is “Nespresso for water.” We sell the machine with a nominal margin and earn recurring revenues from the sales of the mineral cartridges, which have a higher margin.
For the machine, our plan is to build a direct-to-consumer distribution model via e-commerce. This model will allow us to (a) keep our distribution costs low, (b) optimize our supply chain, and (c) build a strong brand relationship with customers.
Since the cartridges will be our main source of revenue, we want to keep control of their sales and only commercialize via our website and app. Many businesses have succeeded following this model, such as Xiaomi, OnePlus, and Nespresso.
We are creating a new product category that is at an intersection of the bottled water market and home purification devices, which is a massive business opportunity.
This proves the need for a solution like Mitte to cater to this overlapping segment.
We are supported by the European Regional Development Fund to develop a smart solution to purify and mineralize water.
In late 2017, we launched our presales crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and followed up with a pre-order campaign on Indiegogo InDemand. The former was overfunded by 360%, with backers pledging a total of €270,000 to our project.
We have 1,000 Kickstarter and Indiegogo backers, with 35% of them from the US and Canada, 60% from Europe with a strong German presence, and 5% from Australia and Hong Kong.
Our crowdfunding backer community is upbeat and extremely supportive of our project. We have managed to gather some of our backers together and compiled the following testimonials.
Our management trio is complemented by an experienced team with a diverse skill set that includes: mechanical and electrical engineering, software development, water science, business development, product development, user experience, marketing, and e-commerce. Please note, only Moritz Waldstein is an officer of Mitte Corp., all other officers are officers of our Parent Company, MitteMitte GmbH.
Nothing is more fundamental to life than water itself. Access to safe drinking water is one of the highest development priorities of countries worldwide. At the same time, the pressure to find sustainable solutions is building. There is no more crucial time for action than now.
Our long-term vision is to create a Mitte ecosystem that replaces bottled water. We’re starting by transforming the way we drink water at home. Our B2C offering with mineral cartridges goes towards brand building and proving sales traction, while our next steps to build solutions for on-the-go and B2B use cases will reach even more markets and consumers.
*Water contributes to the maintenance of normal regulation of the body’s temperature when consumed at least 2.0 L per day.
Mitte must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $100K.
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Crowd SDA
A Crowd SDA is a debt agreement which promises fixed interest payments and a minimum
cash return.
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5 years
Period after which the company must repay all outstanding interest and principal due under the
Crowd SDA.
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Simple interest, paid annually, calculated based on the amount of your investment in the
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The minimum total return which the investor is entitled to have received by the maturity date,
expressed as a multiple of the principal amount.
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