幾天前筆者曾介紹一個免費收語音與文字簡訊的 SMS Receive Free 服務,在註冊一些需要收認證碼的網站時非常好用,而 iOS 中其實也有一款 Ring4 App 可提供類似功能,只不過它的主軸是建立屬於自己虛擬門號,讓需要有兩支門號...
A business phone line from a mobile carrier costs between 40-100 USD per month in the US, and the inconvenience of carrying two phones often discourages entrepreneurs to invest in a phone line dedicated to their business.
Sharing your personal phone number and any other personal data online is not safe. Your number, if made publicly available, can be spammed, or even used to gain access to your web services and bank accounts via social engineering techniques and hacking.
Ring4 lets users manage several phone numbers on a single smartphone, texting and calling directly from the Ring4 app.
The Ring4 numbers are real mobile phone numbers. Ring4 has entered into partnership agreements with telecommunications providers to offer phone numbers in seven countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Austria.
Ring4 comes as an extra telecommunication layer on the smartphone. Users can add a new phone number independent from their existing SIM card. The Ring4 app works over Wi-Fi or data (3g/4g/LTE). Calls and texts neither use the carrier plan minutes nor the text allowance.
By design, the Ring4 numbers can be used anywhere in the world, as they are operating 100% over data. Ring4 also offers cheap international outbound calls in 25+ countries and is currently expanding its coverage to make cross-border communications seamless.
Ring4 is integrated natively with the phone operating system (OS). The user experience of receiving calls or texts via Ring4 is the same as with a traditional mobile carrier. There is no barrier for adoption.
Ring4 offers freelancers an easy and affordable option to get a phone number for their business. Ring4 also lets small businesses provide employees with a work number on their personal phone. This market trend is known as bring your own device (BYOD).
*An installation is counted when the app is opened for the first time on the device it was downloaded into, provided the device has an active internet connection and has opted into providing analytics to the developer.
Ring4 is uniquely positioned to answer the market need for a light solution to a second phone line and expand internationally.
Ring4 (yourVirtualSIM Inc.) raised $225,000 from four investors in the first half of 2018.
Tony Lam - Investor and advisor at Ring4
“I am excited about the 100x potential of smartphone numbers and new cloud communications technologies developed by Ring4. It’s time for the traditional telecommunication industry to be disrupted.”
Ring4 v1 was a success: We’ve collected a ton of valuable customer feedback and are integrating it into the design of an upcoming Ring4 v2 to be unveiled during fall 2018.
If we reach our stretch goal of $500K, we will hire an extra developer, a marketer, and a salesperson to accelerate our growth in 2019.
The Ring4 team is led by Alex Botteri, a long time contributor to the cloud communication industry in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a background in software engineering (MS degree of Computer Science from ESIEE Paris) and 10+ years experience in various business development positions at IBM and Tyntec, Alex has two obsessions: disrupting the telecommunication space and building a sleek product that scales.
Alex Botteri - Founder
MS Computer Science, 10+ years in Biz Dev. Previously Worked at IBM and Tyntec (Cloud Communication API).
Florian Lecluse - iOS dev
Software engineer specialized in Objective-C and Swift. Previously worked at TextMe Inc.
Harold Thethiot - Full Stack Engineer
Software engineer. WebRTC specialist. Previously worked at Netflix and Netvibes. Created the Sylaps conferencing solution.
Illia Strikhar - UI/UX design
UX/UI designer with a passion for crafting state-of-the-art online products with the purpose of helping people.
Two senior developers have joined the core team: Florian Lecluse and Harold Thetiot, formerly at Netflix and DailyMotion. Ring4 also counts a top-notch designer Illia Strikhar and a part-time dev-ops as part of the team and is actively recruiting.
Let’s build a new generation of virtual mobile operator together
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for Ring4 occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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Ring4 must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $500K.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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