Ofo Ezeugwu is striving to empower the rental community. He is the co-founder of Whose Your Landlord, a web application t...
Renter visits www.whoseyourlandlord.com
Renter posts a review of their current (or previous) home provider, or:
Renter searches for homes in their desired area and filters by parameters of choice
Renters interested in inquiring about available listing can provide their credit report, background history, and eviction history directly to the landlord posting the listing
Throughout their stay, renters can read and engage with WYL featured content to assist through different living situations.
Review your landlord:
Search for homes:
Edutaining content and peer-to-peer support
Helping landlords (apartment buildings, property managers, condos) improve their services
Respond to reviews
Learn exactly how to improve services
Understand behavioral and moving trends
Average age of a WYL user: 25
40% of user base are college students
80% of user base are millennials (btwn the ages of 18 and 34)
66% of millennials are actively renting in the market
The homeownership rate amongst those under 35 has dropped 7% over the last decade
More than 35% of the US currently rents their home or apartment (and 65% of those who are 35 and younger)
Start with colleges and millennial hubs in Philly & Brooklyn – WYL’s home markets
Focus on college towns and renter hubs in fastest growing US cities – Austin, Houston, Charlotte, Seattle
Expand across the US working with universities and local municipalities to provide renter insights and resources
Become the preeminent location where people go to for rental matters
Use WYL’s voice to push change and foster equilibrium between renters and landlords
Allstate to sponsor 2018 NYC program
College and community focused
Charismatic with vibrant social media following
Organize events, review gathering strategies, form local partnerships to advance WYL reach
Hire new crop of young ambassadors
5 – 7 ambassadors per team
Assembled ambassador team
Retrieved reviews
Created and disseminated targeted content online
Lined up local press features
Became part of the community through our events
Total Investment from WYL: $12k
Google integrated our data in Philly for housing searches
Garnered 4,000 reviews
Added 80,000 new community members (renters)
Generated $50k in revenue due to partnerships established
Peace of mind
Establishing a connected neighborhood
Safe, secure, quality rental experience
Stay informed
Instilling trust
Revenue Split By Percentage
40% - Paid Partnerships: Companies like Allstate (renters insurance), Roadway Moving, American Express, etc. want to get in front of our user base through our content videos, blog posts, newsletters, and on site banner inclusions. Our deals have ranged from $10k to $100k+, and this will only continue to grow.
45% - Landlords Paid Listings: As WYL expands, we plan to charge market rate subscription pricing for home providers to post their available listings on the platform.
15% - Verified Tenant Info: Through our partnership with TransUnion, renters can request their credit report, background check, and eviction history. We split revenue with TransUnion.
Merchandise (ancillary revenue): People can snag our backpacks, T-shirts, and tanks online. Our brand ambassadors/influencers promote the brand and spread the word about the community.
Based on market trends and the current growth trajectory, WYL aims to reach establish 10 major brand/content partnerships by the end of 2018 and 25 brand/content partnerships coupled with over 100,000 paid listings posted by the end of 2019. At that rate, WYL’s projected revenues for 2018 and 2019 should be $772k and $5.28M.
*Subject to market fluctuations
Ofo Ezeugwu, CEO Felix Addison, COO Nik Korablin, CTO
What’s happening?
Hi! We’ve just launched our online campaign on Republic. We’ve primarily bootstrapped our company thus far, and have recently closed $250k in funding and are looking to close out our round with $50k more from our community (you guys!). It’s at this point that we know, in order to fulfill the vision of WhoseYourLandlord, we need to lean on our community to help us do so.
Why now?
We are in a prime position to raise capital to expedite the growth process of WYL, and we know we need our community, our users, our supporters to be evangelists of our cause. We’ve built WYL to empower and to inform the millennial renter. We’ve been able to amass over 10,000 reviews and 330,000 users in the last few years. The time is now for us to pin our ears back and build something that fully services renters all across America and allows for us to create a stronger voice for just, fair, and quality living. Seeing as how the homeownership rate is down 7% amongst millennials, over the last decade, and down another 10% amongst folks aged 35 – 44 - we need to become better-prepared consumers, and we need to strengthen our collective voice.
What will we do with the capital?
Create a more engaging platform allowing renters to build robust profiles enabling them to message each other
Produce more video and written content particular to the next neighborhoods and cities of focus
Begin the production of a functional app that renters can keep with them at all times
Host quarterly WYL Community events to encourage more connectivity between millennial renters
Why you should invest?
Thanks to the Obama Administration and the changes to the JOBS Act in spring 2015, anyone can now invest in companies. Investing is no longer reserved for the fat cat with deep pockets. And, we are no longer reliant on accredited investors – folks making $200,000 annually and/or having assets worth $1M+.
This is the perfect opportunity for millennials, communities of color, and for people with new money to get their toes wet in the investment game. We need to be the future we want to see. So, instead of us waiting around for established investors to get a product many of them don’t have to use, we figured it made the most sense to go right to the people.
The reality is, the American Dream is changing. Economic disparity is blatant. And, millennials aren’t owning homes at the same rate as their parents. If the dream has been diminished, let’s work together to ensure that what’s left of it doesn’t ignite in flames. The way you do that is by investing in a company that’s looking to inform, embolden, and build your community. The way you do that is by investing in WhoseYourLandlord.
With Love,
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for WhoseYourLandlord occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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The smallest investment amount
that WhoseYourLandlord is
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The largest investment amount that WhoseYourLandlord is
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WhoseYourLandlord must achieve its minimum goal of $50K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $535K.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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