Campaign logistics
How does my campaign get featured in Republic’s marketing materials?
Whether your raise is through our Crowdfunding Portal, OpenDeal Portal LLC, or through our Broker-Dealer, OpenDeal Broker LLC, Republic is always working to expose your campaign to our community of members, including the thousands of active investors on our platform. We take pride in your success, and provide the following opportunities for your campaign to get in front of our audience.
You can rest assured that we are aligned in the success of your campaign, and will do everything in our capacity to support your fundraising efforts.
A couple of important notes before we dive into the details of our marketing playbook:
For some offerings — those issued under Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) — we are bound by a regulatory obligation to treat all offerings equally in terms of marketing promotions. Other offerings, such as those offered under Reg A+ or Reg D, may have more flexibility in terms of how the intermediary and its ecosystem can promote the offering, but are often accompanied by heightened compliance requirements. In order to remain in compliance with regulations and our internal policies, Republic retains sole discretion over the exact manner in which your campaign is marketed on our platform, and our marketing promotions are subject to change over time based on what we find to be successful.
Once you launch your campaign, various agencies and vendors may contact you and try to win your business by promising extraordinary results. Before engaging with an unknown group, we suggest that you reach out to your Campaign Manager so that we can let you know if we’re familiar with their track record and results.
Our strategy
With fundraising, narrative and momentum are paramount. This is why we encourage all companies raising on our platform to leverage your own communities and networks to seed the round with investment commitments prior to engaging the Republic community. This way, when we are able to drive visitors to your campaign page, the Republic community sees a campaign with visible support — a strong signal to potential investors that your offering is worth their time and attention.
Because Republic does not own the contents of your campaign page, our strategy is to drive visitors to your page and allow your campaign page do the important work of converting visitors to investors. We encourage you to utilize your own marketing tools (such as email lists) as well as tools we provide (such as Campaign Updates) to convert visitors and prospects into committed investors.
Our tactics
Republic utilizes a variety of marketing channels to drive visibility of your offering.
Website placement
Homepage placement for ‘Trending’ - Whenever a campaign raises more that $25,000 from more than 100 unique investors within the past 3 days, it will be prominently featured with a ‘Trending’ tag.
Homepage placement for 'Recently Launched' - Once a campaign has reached $25,000 in committed investments, it will be eligible to appear on our homepage under 'Recently Launched'.
Homepage placement for ‘Most Traction’ - The six campaigns which have raised the most money in the past 3 days are featured on our homepage under 'Most Traction'.
Homepage placement for 'Most Funded' - The six campaigns which have raised the most overall are featured on our homepage under 'Most Funded'.
Homepage placement for 'Closing Soon' - The six campaigns which are closing soonest are featured on our homepage under 'Closing Soon'.
“Closing Soon” banner - Your campaign will appear in the header of for the 48 hours prior to the campaign concluding
Email marketing
Campaign announcement email - An email will be sent on behalf of your offering when it reaches the following milestones, according to the relevant regulation:
Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF)* - At $25,000 raised. This ensures that each campaign has activated its own community and network prior to engaging Republic’s audience, increasing the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. This first marketing email may feature two or more campaigns. Note: “Reservation Campaigns” do not qualify for campaign announcement emails, and will need to convert to a full-fledged Investment Campaign prior to receiving this email promotion.
Regulation A**+ - At campaign launch
Reg D 506(c)** - At campaign launch
Red D 506(b)** and Reg S** - No public announcement
Campaign milestone emails - Reaching subsequent investment milestones will unlock additional marketing opportunities. The content of each of these emails will be at Republic’s sole discretion, but the emails will prominently feature your campaign. Note: If a campaign qualifies for more than one milestone within a 1 week period, Republic will send one email based on the most recently completed milestone. For example, if your campaign raises over $1M in the first week, Republic will generally send a milestone email for $1M reached, but not for all milestones along the way to $1M.
$100,000 raised
$200,000 raised
$500,000 raised
$1,000,000 raised
$3,000,000 raised
Republic’s weekly newsletter - Your campaign will appear in our weekly newsletter at the following times:
Any week your campaign meets our weekly newsletter theme (at our sole discretion)
The week before your offering is scheduled to close
Any week in which your offering's "Campaign Update" qualifies for inclusion in Republic's weekly newsletter, according to the following criteria:
- The Campaign Update must include tangible traction or big product update/change, such as:
- A feature in a recognized industry publication
A new rollout of product line
An endorsement by a recognized name
An award from prestigious, sizable industry association or relevant publication
You must submit your Campaign Update through this form.
Form is open each Thursday at 3pm ET for inclusion in the following week’s newsletter.
Due to limited space, only the first 10 to meet the criteria below will be featured in the newsletter.
Update must be posted on your offering page as a Campaign Update so that it can be linked to from the email
- The Campaign Update must include tangible traction or big product update/change, such as:
Social media
Republic will raise visibility for your campaign on our social media platforms at various points during your campaign. Please note that we retain sole discretion over which channels and placements these mentions occur; the social media landscape is ever changing, as are our strategies for effectively reaching and engaging our communities.
Currently, all offerings (excluding “Reservation Campaigns”) are featured at the following times:
Campaign launch roundup - Posted to Republic’s social media channels the week of your campaign launch
Closing soon notification - Posted to Republic’s social media channels the week of your campaign launch
Social Media: Republic will repost up to 1 instagram story and 1 Twitter post per founder if @Joinrepublic is tagged while your campaign is live. Please inform your campaign manager when you plan to post and ensure your post follows Republic's compliance guide
* - Offering type is facilitated by OpenDeal Portal LLC
** - Offering type is facilitated by OpenDeal Broker LLC
Effective August 30, 2023.