Storytelling is an ancient art, and the platforms for telling stories are ancient too. Writing an original story takes days, months or even years. At the same time, feature content for stories is abundant and in need of a home.
Think of the number of photos that sit on any iPhone. Never before in history has there been so much digital personal content. Best case scenario these end up in a photobook or even more rarely, are printed and framed, which is an arduous task at best.
Rhymella applies automation to write original stories using content from real life. User photos and specifics from a particular experience are weaved into an original, imaginative story that features each child as the main character.
Rhymella unlocks imaginative adventures from an everyday trip to the park, to a baseball game or afternoon at Disney (and everything in between).
Each Rhymella weaves content from a real-life experience into an imaginative adventure. See how photos and details from a regular trip to the park are transformed into an adventure with a tall-talking tree.
The possibilities for a Rhymella story are endless. An afternoon apple picking with grandma becomes a wild ride through an enchanted forest, complete with its many inhabitants. A summer afternoon at the beach is transformed into an aquatic adventure, where each star must team up with a gigantic crab to find treasure hidden in a sand castle. Or even something as simple as a snowy day, turns into a magical game of tag with a singing snowman. New book release will coincide with the most popular kids’ seasonal activities. Each Rhymella unlocks imagination with real life.
The Rhymella app walks users through a series of simple steps to collect content needed to make each storybook. The user interface is simple and easy. If the user has already taken photos, this can be done in less than 10 minutes. Alternatively, completing prompts on the app can be an experience in of itself, where kids embark on a Rhymella journey with parents/caregivers who walk them through each step.
We will further monetize the Rhymella offering through partnerships, where brands sponsor new book releases and offer product in conjunction with live events and destinations (i.e. theme park, baseball game).
The mission of Rhymella is to tell each child's story. Our books organically promote individuality and foster self-esteem by featuring each unique and beautiful child in his or her own series of books.
We intend to serve all children, regardless of privilege. Our premium product and focus on accelerating profitability will afford us the means to invest in impactful partnerships with community-based literacy advocacy groups in the markets we serve. We pledge to give 1% of profits, product and time to such causes, and will increase this as our business expands.
Rhymella technology will iterate towards our ultimate goal: a first-of-its kind algorithm that writes entirely original, personalized stories given a set of variables. The technology will consider a set of user inputs to output an entirely new storybook, whose narrative and design is unlike any other that exists. Illustrative inputs will include: user-provided visual content (photos), a designated subject (princesses or dinosaurs) and reading-level (pre-K).
In education, this technology serves needs of personalized reading programs. EdTech is a $250bn market. Advertisers and publishers would leverage this to tell custom stories to engage each individual, unique customer, and represent a similar sized market.
Assuming 0.1% market penetration of EdTech alone yields $250M in revenue; a reasonable 4-year target post-commercial product launch. As a licensable program, gross margins for this piece will be in-line with other SaaS businesses at above 90%.
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for Rhymella occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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Rhymella must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $107K.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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I never saw a book with my name in it as a kid. This would have made little me very excited!
I'm inspired by the founders and and excited to eventually have access to this product!
I invested in Rhymella because i believe in this great idea! Go Kate Go!!!
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