Getting started
What is a rolling close?
When certain conditions are met, the startup may choose to do a rolling close (also known as an “intermediate close”) to receive some of the money raised and start using it to grow their business.
The name comes from the fact that the investments are closed on a rolling basis, as opposed to at the end of the campaign.
If you have made an investment in a campaign before the rolling close:
- You will receive a notification announcing when the rolling close will happen (5 business days or more in advance)
- If you don’t cancel or lower your investment, it will become finalized at the rolling close date, just like at the end of the regular campaign. You will not be able to change it after the rolling close.
- The funds raised to date and closed upon will be sent to the startup, and their campaign will continue.
- If you wish to cancel or lower your investment, do so more than 48 hours before the announced rolling close date. You will get a refund like you normally would.
- If you wish to increase your investment in the startup after the rolling close, you can do so, but it will be treated as a new investment. Learn more