Esta forma de inversión inmobiliaria es incipiente en España aunque cada vez hay más opciones. Las plataformas buscan pis...
Founded in 2020 in Spain, Reental is the leading investment platform for tokenized AUM in Europe and Latam. Today, we are a Delaware holding company with headquarters in Miami and Madrid.
Problem & Solution
Disrupting real estate investment has never
been so needed
Reental: Invest, reinvest,
& disinvest with 1 click
A smarter, inclusive platform for tokenized real estate investment— accessible by anyone with internet access or a smartphone.
Pick your favourite properties (>13% APY) and go
RNT token
Successful IDO launch
X3 Profitability and Benefits
vs Crowdfunding
Enhance your returns with our compounded yields and fees.
Media about our RNT
What is Media saying about us?
Reental in the news
What are Professional Investors saying about us?
Traction & network effect without marketing investment.
+55 Properties,
+15 000 users,
+70 countries
Net Revenues: x2 LTM & Positive Ebitda
Raised Capital: x2 LTM, +$10M nowadays & $1B by 2030
Amazing Burn Multiple <1x
European leader (AUM), Global Nº1 (Spanish Spoken Community) and Several World Records
Media & consulting firms
- Informe Semanal PrimeTime Saturday News program on Spain national TV
- Emprende TV special program on technology and entrepreneurship on RTVE
- Bit2me Expert Session Interview in the reference exchange
- Chainlink YouTube channel of one of the biggest crypto projects in the world
- Regular appearances on Cointelegraph, BeinCrypto, and
- Radio shows like BlockchainRadio (radio intereconomía) and canal sur radio
- Interviews on numerous podcasts such as Blockchain para inquietos or MásqueStartups
Prizes, events & keynote speaker
Business model
90% Tech & 10% Real Estate
(5 yield sources & skin in the game)
Real Estate is currently the biggest asset market with $300T
BCG forecasts 10% of global GDP tokenized by 2030
Total Addressable Market is $3T
Direct competitors
Vision and strategy
Becoming the leading investing platform of tokenized assets
With 9M+ investors and 1B+ AUM by 2030
Core business road map
Product roadmap 2023
- Q1 New features: compound interest and recurring investments
- Q2 Digital identity: maximum simplification in the UX/UI, to attract non-Web3 users
- Q3 Creation of a central liquidity pool against the RNT (utility token)
- Q4 Leverage (USDT loans) through real estate security tokens
Leading the Tokenized Investment Summits
Founders & C-Level
Individuals don't win — Teams do.
Reental's team is made up of founders with extensive background experience as entrepreneurs. They're complemented by C-level executives experienced in finance, consulting, real estate and IPOs.