Vacant storefronts are everywhere. Churn in the real estate market means there will always be a number of vacant properti...
Vacant storefronts are rampant throughout the U.S. Regulatory restrictions actually prohibit landlords from reducing rents far enough so these vacancies persist for on average 18-24 months, costing the industry $9.2bn in revenue annually.
It's difficult to measure how effective traditional advertising really is. And today, brands are rushing to digital marketing, causing it to become overcrowded and expensive. As a result, ad buyers are unconfident in existing advertising channels and how much to spend on them.
Each storefront powered with our technology captures foot traffic, demographics and even sentiment. With our technology, brands can even tell if viewers are smiling or sad, exposing invaluable data and insights.
We are delivering eye level media and metrics that matter through a vast medium that has literally been hiding in plain sight – until now.
*As estimated by company.
We are working with the best brands in the world and the biggest names in real estate. We’re currently active in NY and LA and we are on the fast track to growing to 4 markets by the end of 2019 and then growing to 10 markets by the end of 2020.
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“We tapped VisuWall for our New York Fashion Week out of home branding campaign because of the innovative technology and analytics as well as their thoughtful use of vacant storefronts. The end results delivered on all levels.”
- Mark Beckham, Council of Fashion Designers of America (NYC)
VisuWall is brand category agnostic and can support most brand categories with strategic support. Our successes include brands in the following categories: consumer products, fashion, retail, e-commerce, technology, and entertainment. In our purview, we will ramp to include spirits, automotive, finance, government elections tentpole event activity and more.
Pricing for each window is set by an algorithm informed by location, visibility, size plus attributes set by a host of variables common in media.
VisuWall's focus is on the advertisers who account for 60% of the $8.4bn market including media, retailers, consumer products and fashion & beauty.
Our strategy is to integrate and streamline the processes of buying traditional outdoor and the rising trend of buying programmatic outdoor and the same categories mentioned above account for $49.5bn in digital spending annually.
VisuWall has raised $550,000 pre-seed round from XRC Labs, New Age Capital, and private angels.
Our version 1 was a success: we’ve collected valuable customer feedback and implemented it in to version 2 due to launch next year. We will utilize funds to hire sales teams, and technology lead, so that we can speed the development of the VisuWall product and accelerate our growth (sales) in 2019.
Kobi has 18 plus years marketing and advertising experience. A former music industry executive, Kobi has worked with brands to create strategies that make cool and meaningful connections with consumers for national and global initiatives. She has produced consumer experiences, brand strategies, content and media plans for the likes of Nike, Spotify, Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, Cîroc Vodka, Google, JetBlue and a host of others. Prior to VisuWall, Kobi was the SVP of Strategy and Creative for Combs Enterprises where she led strategy for the chairman's portfolio of brands.
Kevin Tung, Co-Founder & Partner, has enjoyed two exits and is now an angel investor and partner at Interplay. His operational prowess informs VisuWall’s path to growth.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know VisuWall. We hope you'll join us on our journey!
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for VisuWall occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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VisuWall must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $1.07M.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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