In a Nutshell: Bounty0x connects companies to a network of tens of thousands of freelancers to facilitate cryptocurrency ...
Influencers are frequently demonetized on youtube, and a large percentage of their revenue is taken by platforms. Influencers also often have trouble finding the right brands to partner with and don’t know if the brand will pay them. Influencers don’t know how to grow their brands and create high quality content that resonates with their target audience.
Currently, the process for a brand to hire an influencer is a messy one. Brands seeking to hire influencers for their ad campaign, blindly search social media platforms looking for the right one without insight into the influencers audience, engagements, views, and metrics.
Micro Influencers, with an audience between 10k - 100k subscribers, offer brands optimal ROI for sponsored content campaigns. Micro influencers have better post engagement metrics, fewer fake followers, a dedicated audience, and they are typically more affordable than celebrities. This makes them the optimal partners for brands seeking to directly sponsor influencers.
In the same way we changed the bounty space, we aim to revolutionize influencer marketing with our upcoming influencer marketing product.
Bounty0x launched in November 2017 and revolutionized the bounty hunting gig economy. Our bounty hunting platform simplifies the bounty campaign process, allowing businesses to easily post bounties while also giving freelancers the opportunity to earn by posting content to their social media channels.
When we launch our influencer marketing platform in 2020, the platform will give businesses the tools to run influencer marketing campaigns at scale, and maximize their influencer marketing ROI.
The Influencer platform will allow brands and marketing agencies to:
Create an influencer campaign with detailed instructions to give influencers the information they need to create the perfect branded content.
Search our database of 30m+ influencers for the perfect matched influencers for their campaign, using over 20+ advanced search criteria, including audience, engagement, likes, and demographics, along with AI and deep learning influencer recommendation engine that will allow us to scan billions of social media posts.
Outreach to the perfect influencers at scale to invite them to participate in a campaign, negotiate deal terms, and receive work from influencers for approval.
Easily track campaign ROI, engagement, and views.
Quickly distribute payments to influencers directly through the platform.
Over the past the past two years we have successfully built and grown a bounty marketing platform, where companies pay freelancers with cryptocurrency in exchange for freelancers creating simple marketing and content creation tasks like writing articles, creating youtube videos, posting content on social media.
Since launch, Bounty0x has been steadily increasing its user base. With over 70k+ registered freelancers completing thousands of bounties each day. Over the past 8 months, Bounty0x has received over 800 bounty submissions per day on average. We've generated over 500k in revenue in 24 months, and paid over $5m in crypto tokens to our 70 thousand users.
We are excited to move into the influencer marketing space because the market size is growing year over year. Millions of professional influencers are monetizing their social media content so they can continue to generate content full time for their audience.
Likewise, brands are seeing better ROI from organic in content sponsored ads compared to traditional marketing channels. Some brands have even started allocating the majority of their marketing budgets to influencer campaigns.
Source: The influencer marketing industry global ad spend
Our influencer platform business model is SaaS, and marketplace transaction fees. We will have a fully functional free plan for all brands, and offer upgraded plans with additional features.
Unlike our competitors, we plan on having a fully functional free plan available so brands and agencies can use our platform to see if it works before paying for additional premium features. It will also be free for influencers to use. Our plans are:
Transaction Fee + SaaS
Startup, $500/mo — 1 User account, 500 influencers emailed, 1 social listening stream
Small Business, $900/mo — 1 account, 750 influencers emailed, 3 social streams, Influencer Demographic Data
Professional, $2,500/mo — 2 accounts, 2k influencers emailed, 10 social streams, Influencer and Audience Demographic Data, API & Exports
Enterprise, $3,500/mo — 5 accounts, Unlimited influencers emailed, 25 social streams, Influencer and Audience Demographic Data, API & Exports
Bounty0x is different from influencer marketing competition and is already a market leader in the Bounty marketplace segment.
Unlike competitors in the influencer marketing space, Bounty0x will support new social media platforms so that brands will be able to find up and coming micro influencers across all social media channels, including TikTok, Firework, DLive, Snapchat and more.
Additionally our software will be available for anyone without having to First register sign up, demo, or pay.
The influencer marketing product will be a new product enabling brands to search, hire, track, and pay social media influencers for branded sponsored content.
Companies will be able to post influencer marketing campaigns, invite and hire influencers to participate and track campaign ROI, and easily send payments to influencers via the platform.
Our team has extensive experience in the marketing and influencer space and we are optimally situated to meet the demands of our clients in building the next generation influencer marketing platform.
Our CTO has over 5 years experience in blockchain at Thomas Reuters and KPMG as a blockchain engineer.
We have also put together a team of advisors with extensive experience in marketing and blockchain.
Angelo Adam, CEO
Attorney. District0x Community Manager, WeTrust Freelancer. Crowdfunded ethereum. Member of the Digital Ledger Defense Coalition. Equities Trader at a Hedge Fund.
Deniz Dalkilic, CTO
Software Engineer Thomson Reuters. Worked in Applied Innovation team on Blockchain/Ethereum projects. In particular concentrating on public Blockchains and DApp development via extensive use of Java and Smart Contracts.
Bounty0x raised $1.2 million in an initial coin offering in December 2017. Advisors and investors include:
Sean Hoge
Managing Partner at Ventury Coin
Dan Bainbridge
Managing Partner at
George Li
CEO and Co-Founder at WeTrust
Together we can make it easier for companies and influencers to grow their communities, engage their audiences and increase revenue.
The maximum valuation at which your investment converts
into equity shares or cash.
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If a trigger event for Bounty0x occurs, the discount provision
gives investors equity shares (or equal value in cash) at a reduced price.
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Bounty0x must achieve its minimum goal of $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount the offering can raise is $1.07M.
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Crowd SAFE
A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific event.
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BountyOx's innovation perspective is ideal for today's society, it heightens my interest in investing.
Great concept. I'm leery of specific crypto investments, but believe in the overall trajectory of the tech. This is a great "pick and shovel" investment for the general path of the tech.
I have been using bounty0x for awhile along with publish0x. I could see where they could use some web work on the bounty side to make it search better. would like to be able to recieve bat tokens on publish0x. plenty of room for growth for sure.
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